News & Articles
Proven Strategies for Sustainable Business Success in the 21st Century
Much has been written about the essential qualities that contribute to lasting success in business. Especially during uncertain times like those we are currently experiencing, it’s more important than ever to identify and follow some basic principles that have proven...
Tips For Stressful Times
The current COVID 19 pandemic has upended the daily routines of most individuals, businesses, and organization in unprecedented ways. No one knows for sure exactly when—or even IF—things will return to any semblance of normalcy. That is why, as an executive coach, I...
Women of the Dream: Supporting Our Girls During the Coronavirus
By Leslie Morris, Founder & CEO, Women of the Dream, Inc. The coronavirus crisis is exacerbating the inequities for our children in underserved and poverty-stricken communities. The lack of digital access for learning and health resources are only the tip of the...
Fostering Productive Team Engagement – Six Key Ingredients for Business Success
Most successful business leaders understand the importance of effective teamwork in creating lasting success. Workplace team productivity is especially critical during times of heightened uncertainty, such as the current global pandemic. When organizations are forced...
Five Tips for Fostering Greater Employee Engagement in 2019 and Beyond*
Every business owner dreams of having employees who love coming to work, identify with the organization’s purpose and give of their best with enthusiasm and commitment to their jobs. However, the truth is that many employers are virtually clueless about how to...
Executive Coaching: A key to Sustainable Business Success
As a certified professional coach, I routinely encounter business owners and others who are skeptical about the benefits of executive coaching. They often ask, “what can a coach do for my business that I can’t do myself?”. When I get this question, the...
Workshop on Business Success: How to Get It, Grow It and Keep It
Dr. Faye Coleman presented a workshop on “Business Success” at the recent 2018 Simmons College African American Alumni Symposium in Boston Mass. This popular workshop offered recent data on the status of businesses owned by women of color, provided useful tips on...
Succession Planning Tips Every Business Owner Should Consider
When is the best time for business owners to start thinking about their exit strategy? While the answer to that question may vary based on factors such as length of time in business, revenues and other key assets, age of the owner, and market conditions, most small...
Five Concrete Benefits of Executive Coaching for Leaders and Organizations
Business and organizational development experts have long recognized the positive impact that executive coaching can have on improving human workplace performance. Clearly, organizations and businesses vary greatly in their internal workplace dynamics, as well as in...
Eight Simple Tips for Building and Sustaining a Successful Business in the New Year
The month of January is typically a time when entrepreneurs pause to take stock of their progress over the past 12 months, and to set new goals for the year ahead. Whether you are a seasoned business owner, or at the initial stages of your entrepreneurial journey,...